A drop in oestrogen levels may be the problem
If you have gone through or are going through
• menopause
• surgery to remove ovary
• some cancer treatments
you are likely to be feeling the effects of declining oestrogen levels. This drop in hormone production can play havoc with your quality of life, sex life and bladder function.
Menopause & post-menopause
Menopause can occur in women aged 40 to 58 years.
It can also occur if you have had your ovaries removed, known as surgical menopause.
During menopause the body makes less and less oestrogen (known as a female sex hormone) and by the time you are post- menopausal you will be making very little oestrogen.
Signs & symptoms
Itchiness. The skin around your vagina is more sensitive and more likely to itch or burn when irritated. This can make wearing overly tight clothing uncomfortable.
Pain when you have sex. Compared to before menopause, your vagina is smaller, drier and less likely to become lubricated during sex. Also, the skin around your vagina is thinner and this may lead to discomfort with intercourse.
Urinary problems. The lack of oestrogen also affects your bladder and urinary system. This can lead to urinary frequency (the feeling of having to go to the toilet more often), incontinence and an increased risk of infection.
Vaginal discharge. There may be an unpleasant discharge, which could be due to an infection or changes in the vaginal pH balance.

Ovestin® (oestriol) Cream 1mg/g, Pessary 0.5mg and Tablets 2mg are fully funded Prescription Medicines used for the relief of symptoms occurring after menopause. Ovestin® cream, pessaries and tablets have risks and benefits. Use strictly as directed. If symptoms persist or if you have side effects see your doctor, pharmacist or healthcare professional. Ask your doctor if Ovestin® cream, pessaries or tablets are right for you. Normal doctors and prescription charges apply. Please see the Consumer Medicine Information at www.medsafe.govt.nz Ovestin® is a registered trademark of Aspen Pharmacare. C/O Healthcare Logistics, Auckland. TAPS PP8983-16DC